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We performed R-matrix calculations for photoionization cross sections of the two ground state configuration
The interaction of photons with atoms or ions is a fundamental atomic process in nature to obtain information about the structure and dynamics of astrophysical objects. As much of this immense universe is in ionic form, photoabsorption and photoionization (PI) are used for spectral modeling of astrophysical plasmas.[1,2] The modeling of detailed balancing between ionization and thermal processes for astrophysical interpretations and modeling of laboratory plasmas require reliable PI cross-sections for all astrophysically abundant elements, in all ionization stages and for all bound electrons.[3] Several efforts have been made to investigate PI cross sections both on experimental and theoretical fronts. The Opacity Project (OP)[4] is an online atomic database which provides PI cross sections which are often useful for the plasma modeling community, but when accurate data are absent hydrogenic approximations are used. To the best of our knowledge, no theoretical PI cross section calculations for Ni XII including the excited (metastable) states of this ion are available in the literature; they are limited to the ground state only.[2] Accurate PI cross sections are required for this ion and various ionization stages of Ni to solve the problem of solar opacity. The R-matrix scattering calculations for the electron collisional excitation of Ni XII has recently been reported by Del Zanna et al.[5]
Nickel is the most abundant transition element existing in different ionization stages in the sun and other astrophysical plasmas after iron. As Ni emission lines have been detected in the spectra of a variety of astronomical objects such as black hole x-ray binaries,[6,7] clusters of galaxies,[8] supernova remnants,[9] and the center of our Galaxy.[10] Solar emission lines from Ni XII are prominent in the soft x-rays and EUV part[11] of the spectrum. Several forbidden coronal lines are observed in the visible and UV region of the solar spectrum.[12] In a similar way, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission lines from
The Ni XII ion belongs to the chlorine isoelectronic sequence, and PI cross sections along this sequence are scarce in the literature owing to the complexity in strong electron-electron interactions. Over the last few decades, experimental measurements[17–22] of the PI cross section of ions of the Cl-like sequence made by a number of workers have been described by Alna’washi et al.[23] in a joint experimental and theoretical work about the valence-shell PI of Cl-like Ca IV ions. Recently, Tyndall et al.[24] reported valence and L-shell PI cross sections of Ar II using the relativistic Dirac Atomic R-matrix Codes (DARC).
We also report here the atomic structure data of energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, and transitions rates of the Ni XIII target ion using the fully relativistic GRASP code[25] as well as the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC)[26] which yields results comparable to GRASP. Results from FAC are helpful in assessing the accuracy of our energy levels and radiative data of Ni XIII. Finally, results of radiative lifetimes of excited levels of Ni XIII obtained using GRASP and FAC codes are given in Table
Over the past few years, many approaches have been applied to calculate energy levels, oscillator strengths, transition rates and lifetimes for Ni XIII. Fawcett[27] calculated energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths of Ni XIII with the Hartree–Fock relativistic (HFR) approach using a set of 3s23p4, 3s3p5 and 3s23p33d configurations. Chou et al.[28] reported energy levels and transition rates among five levels of the ground configuration of S-like ions with the multi-configuration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) technique[25] by excluding the 3p6 (1S0) configuration. Bhatia et al.[29] calculated 48 fine-structures of Ni XIII with the superstructure (SS) code.[30] To date the best available calculations of energy levels and transitions rates in Ni XIII were carried out by Aggarwal[31] with the GRASP (General purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure Program) code[25] using a set of 12 configurations. In our calculations we found significant improvement in the level energies of 3s23p33d by including an additional configuration 3s23p3d3 than the atomic model of Ref. [31].
Ishikawa and Vilkas[32] calculated energy levels, wavelengths, and transition rates of optically allowed transitions among 46 levels arising from the 3s23p4, 3s3p5, and 3s23p33d configurations of S-like ions
In this paper we present large scale calculations for PI cross sections of Ni XII, along with atomic structure parameters of Ni XIII target ion. The fully relativistic Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC)[37] is employed to study the PI process of Ni XII for the two ground and 12 metastable states. Our present results for the ground state configuration 3s23p5 (2P3/2, 2P1/2) levels are in good agreement with previous theoretical work.[38] Our calculated ionization threshold energies are in excellent agreement with those available in the NIST tabulation. Furthermore, no theoretical results on the PI cross sections are available for the meta-stable states in the Ni XII ion. Finally, we have used fully relativistic GRASP and FAC codes to study energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, transition rates, and lifetimes of Ni XIII. Where possible we have compared our results with the available experimental and theoretical data in order to assess the accuracy of our present work for applications.
To carry out PI cross section calculations of Ni XII, we have used the DARC code based on the fully relativistic R-matrix method. We have adopted the same methodology as discussed in Ref. [39]. The atomic system is represented by a ‘target’ or the core of the N-electrons system interacting with the (N + 1)-th electron. In this method, the Dirac Hamiltonian for the (N + 1)-electron system can be expressed in atomic units (a.u.) as
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Prior to the R-matrix calculations, the target wavefunction is obtained from the multi-configurational Dirac–Fock code GRASP by using an extended average level (EAL) optimizing scheme for the target ion states involved in the present calculations. The 48-state wavefunction expansion belonging to the four main configurations (3s23p4, 3s3p5, 3s23p33d, 3p6) up to
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Our DARC calculations are performed for total symmetries of 2J ≤ 5 for odd parity and 2J ≤ 3 for both even and odd parities. The R-matrix boundary radius has been determined by code automatically subjected to the condition that all large components have a magnitude less than 10−3. A basis set of 20-continuum orbitals is considered which is sufficiently large to span the energy range covering the thresholds of all levels of target. The ground state with
We obtain target state wavefunctions for Ni XIII using the GRASP code which belongs to the multi-configuration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) GRASP family of codes. In the MCDF approach, an atomic state function (ASF) describes the state of an atom or ion and is constructed approximately by a linear combination of configuration state functions (CSFs) with a given parity P and angular momentum (J, M):
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Here, κ is a relativistic angular quantum number, P(r) and Q(r) are large and small radial components of one-electron wavefunctions on a logarithmic grid and χκm is a spinor spherical harmonic in the LSJ coupling scheme. The CSFs are built from antisymmetrized products of a common set of orthonormal orbitals, optimized on the basis of the Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian. The radial functions are determined numerically by solving the MCDF equations, which depend upon varying the orbital radial functions or some subsets so as to obtain an optimized energy functional. The wavefunction can be expanded with thousands of CSFs, and usually allow one to obtain a very reasonable description of the level structure and transition properties for many multiple and highly charged ions, even those with open inner shells. In our GRASP calculations, we have adopted an extended average level (EAL) scheme for our self-consistent calculations to calculate the radial wave functions which optimize a weighted trace of the Hamiltonian using level weights proportional to 2J + 1. This scheme gives a compromise set of atomic orbitals describing closely lying states with moderate accuracy. All excited levels are calculated simultaneously and then Breit interactions and quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects are included to present the energy levels after higher order corrections. The radial wavefunctions are input into the relativistic Dirac R-matrix (DARC) code in a suitable form.
To assess the accuracy and reliability of our computed GRASP energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, and transition rates among the lowest 48 fine-structure levels, we also perform parallel calculations using the flexible atomic code (FAC). The FAC is also fully relativistic and based on the jj-coupling scheme. The radial wavefunctions for single-electron orbitals are obtained with a self-consistent field method based on the Dirac formulation. The fine-structure energy levels and atomic state wavefunctions are obtained by diagonalizing the Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian. Additionally, FAC lifetimes for all excited levels have been calculated from transition rates of four types of transitions, (E1, E2, M1, M2) obtained with the FAC. We hope that our results will be beneficial in fusion plasma research and astrophysical applications.
For the set of 48 target orbitals, we have considered a basis set of 13 configurations (3s23p4, 3s3p5, 3p6, 3s23p33d, 3s3p33d2, 3p53d, 3s23p3d3, 3s23p23d2, 3s3p43d, 3s23p34l) which leads to 735 relativistic levels. This eigenfunction expansion is selected such that it includes the dominant dipole transitions in the core and important correlation effects. Since CI effects are important owing to electron correlations in S-like systems.[31,40] Comparison of our calculated energies of the 48 levels belonging to the four main configurations (3s23p4, 3s3p5, 3p6, 3s23p33d) with the observed energies and other theoretical energies[27–29,31,32] is presented in Table
Our calculated GRASP energies agree with the observed values with an average percent difference of 1.2%, and the maximum difference is 3.7% for the state 3s2 3p4 (1D2). For the levels of ground state configuration (3s2 3p4), our calculated FAC energies agree well with the NIST values within 0.5%–3.3%. The present FAC energy values for the 7 fine-structure levels belonging to the configuration 3s2 3p33d lie closer to the experimental energies within 2.0% as compared to both present and previous GRASP calculations,[31] which are nearly 4%–5% higher than the NIST values. The maximum disagreement between our calculated GRASP and FAC energies is about 0.5% for the 3s2 3p4 3P0 level and both calculations are consistent with each other. Table
The HFR results reported by Fawcett[27] agree with the present calculations with an average difference of 1.5%, and the maximum difference of 7.6% appears for the 1D2 (level 4). Clearly, the level energies of Chou et al.[28] disagree with experimental values within 12%, and we did not provide a comparison with these previous MCDF results. When compared to superstructure (SS) calculations of Bhatia and Doschek,[29] our present energies for the 3s23p4 and 3s3p5 configurations lie closer to the NIST values. These SS calculations[29] yields an average percentage difference of 3.4% with NIST as well as present energies and few energies differ up to 8.4% like for the 3s23p4 3P1 state. The present GRASP energies show good agreement with MCDF energies of Aggarwal et al.[31] within 2.0%. We include an extra configuration 3s23p3d3 in our calculations which generates 110 fine-structure levels in comparison to the atomic model of Aggarwal et al.[31]
The MR–MP energies reported by Ishikawa[32] have excellent accuracy within 0.13% with NIST values. However, this study does not report atomic data for the forbidden lines. The diagnostics and interpretation of forbidden spectral lines among ground configuration levels highlight the need for accurate atomic data. A more detailed comparison of present energies with the MR–MP theory shows that our GRASP energies agree within 0.03%–2%, whereas FAC energies agree well in the range from 0.09% to 2.1%. For the 3s23p4 − 1D1 level, we find a relatively large difference of 3.9% for GRASP and 3.4% for FAC. Overall, our calculated energies are seen to be in close agreement with MR–MP theory with an average difference of 0.05 Ryd.
The ordering of some energy levels are different among various calculations of Ni XIII. For most exchanged levels, the spectroscopic terms are different but the 2J-values are the same. These quantities are used to match energy levels between different calculations. The ordering of 48 energy levels from GRASP and FAC is the same except for the 37/38 (3P2/1P1) and 48 (3p6 1S0) levels. The ordering of some energy levels 30/31 (3F3/3D2), 32/33 (3F4/3F2), and 37/38 (3P2/1P1) in our GRASP calculations do not correspond to the level ordering of GRASP calculations of Aggarwal et al.[31] due to differing amount of CI by the additional configuration 3s23p3d3. In some cases both our calculations differ slightly with SS calculations. The level ordering produced using the MR–MP theory and our GRASP calculations are the same except the order of 31/33 (3D2/3F2) and 40/41(3P0/3P1) levels due to closely related energies and difference of relativistic effects considered in the MR–MP and present MCDF methods. We note that our calculated energies are in much better agreement with the experimental values than the previous calculations[28,29,31] in particular for the 3s23p33d configuration levels.
We have reported wavelengths (λji in unit Å), transition rates (Aji in unit s−1), and oscillator strengths (fji) of E1, E2, and M1 transitions among the lowest-lying 48 levels of Ni XIII. The forbidden lines among the levels of the ground state configuration of S-like ions[40] are of interest for the astrophysical and tokamak plasma. However, there are significant differences among the available radiative data of Ni XIII. Therefore, we revisit and update these transition data so that these atomic parameters can be reliably used for diagnostics and modelling purposes.
In Table
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Similarly, GRASP weighted oscillator strengths yield a maximum discrepancy of 41% with the corresponding FAC values. Our two calculations for gf-values agree within 5% for the majority of the transitions. In the last column of Table
To further assess the accuracy of our results, we compare present oscillator strengths for some selected E1 transitions (f ≥ 10−3) with other theoretical oscillator strengths[27–29,31] in Table
![]() | Table 3
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In Table
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The accuracy of present FAC computed wavelengths varies within 0.9 Å–3.2 Å with the experimental measurements. Our FAC wavelengths are 0.4 Å–1.3 Å higher than MCDF[31] values and lie closer to the experimental results for (3s23p33d) decays. On the other hand, the MCDF predicted transition wavelength among the lowest lying levels associated with the Ni XIII ground and 3s3p5 configurations agree well within 0.7 Å with experimental values.[36] Our GRASP calculated wavelength for the 9–4 (
In Table
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The present calculations for transition rates of M1 transitions show good agreement with HFR[41] and MCDHF calculations[33] within 15% except 3–2 transition where the maximum difference is 131%. This is expected in weaker transitions of the M1 type where the uncertainties are often larger. Since the M1 transition rates are proportional to the (ΔE)3 transition wavelength, thus, an error in wavelength (transition energy) is typically dominated in transition rates. Furthermore, f-values obtained from GRASP and FAC show good agreement with each other for all M1 transitions but they markedly disagree with MCDHF calculations. The largest difference of 400% appears for the 2–1 forbidden transition.
Comparison of selected wavelengths, oscillator strengths and transition rates for electric quadrupole E2 transitions among the lowest lying 9 states of Ni XIII is given in Table
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Similarly, our FAC f-values for the E2 transition in Ni XIII agree very well within 20% with those of MCDHF calculations, but differ substantially with the present GRASP values up to a factor of 12. The maximum difference of the order of 77 appears for 5–1 transition. Finally, we conclude that weaker transitions (M1 and E2) are more susceptible due to varying amount of CI effects, and thus such large differences in transition parameters are very common. This detailed comparison reflects that our results from the FAC are expected to be accurate to 10% for most of the strong transitions. Therefore, we believe that our calculated M1 and E2 transition data will be helpful in spectral analysis in astrophysics and fusion plasma research.
Radiative lifetime τ of an excited level j is obtained from the following expression
![]() | (4) |
Our calculated radiative lifetimes of 48 excited levels of Ni XIII in length form using the GRASP and FAC codes are listed in Table
In Table
![]() | Table 7
For the 1D2 level, Träbert et al.[42,43] reported two experimental values which differ in magnitude by 0.4 ms. For this state, our present and other theoretical results are smaller than the experimental values by 22.0% at maximum. This significant discrepancy between theoretical and experimental results can be explained by the occurrence of cascades from 3d levels.[44] Also, for the 1S0 state, our calculated lifetimes show good agreement with other theoretical results[41,46] and MR–MP calculations by Träbert et al.[44] However, we find that the present lifetimes for the 1S0 level differ with MCDF[28] within 0.1 ms. Overall, our GRASP and FAC lifetimes agree well with other theoretical and experimental data for ground configuration levels lifetimes. We can therefore conclude that the configuration interaction model for NI XIII should form a good basis for calculating spectroscopic data.
In this work, we carried out calculations of PI cross sections for the ground and thirteen selected excited states of Ni XII using the fully relativistic Dirac R-matrix code. The target wavefunctions are obtained from the multi-configurational Dirac–Fock (MCDF)code GRASP code by using the EAL optimizing process for the concerned energy levels as described above. We have selected a suitable energy step of 0.5 meV to envelop all thresholds in the target Ni XIII ion. The PI cross sections are calculated from their respective thresholds to well above the threshold of the last level to entail all thresholds in the target Ni XIII ion.
In Table
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In Fig.
In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2 Comparison between present DARC total PI cross sections in the ground state configuration ![]() |
Finally, we investigate the PI cross sections of some selected excited states of Ni XII. In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4 (color online) Total PI cross sections in the excited state configuration 3s23p43d levels (4D1/2, 4P1/2, 2P1/2, 2P1/2, and 2S1/2). |
In this paper, we have calculated fine-structure energy levels, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, transition rates, and radiative lifetimes for the lowest-lying 48 levels belonging to the 3s23p4, 3s3p5, 3s23p33d, and 3p6 configurations using two sets of fully relativistic GRASP and FAC codes. In the present work, we have included CI among the thirteen configurations (3s23p4, 3s3p5, 3p6, 3s23p33d, 3s3p33d2, 3p53d, 3s23p3d3, 3s23p23d2, 3s3p43d, and 3s23p34l, where
Our results of energy levels associated with the 3s23p33d configuration agree closely with the NIST database within 2.0% and are found to be in good agreement with more accurate MR–MP theory values within the margin of the same accuracy (2.0%). Our FAC calculations provide more accurate results than our GRASP calculations owing to a different amount of CI, which is important for S-like systems. The accuracy of present radiative transition rates and absorption oscillator strengths are within 10% for most of the strong E1 transitions. The uncertainty in the oscillator strengths and transition rates of M1 and E2 transitions does not exceed 20% with the exception of a few transitions. It has been shown that radiative lifetimes obtained from the two sets are in good agreement with experimental and theoretical values.
Finally, we have reported the PI cross sections of some selected levels of Ni XII. We have used the fully relativistic R-matrix code DARC to calculate the PI cross-sections. Our results of total PI cross sections of ground state configuration levels are in good agreement with previous central field type data. In conclusion, our new reported data of Ni XIII are more extensive and accurate than the existing calculations. Our new calculated PI cross sections of Ni XII are useful for calculating radiative properties of nickel for astrophysical plasmas under the Opacity Project. The complete set of the present PI cross sections of Ni XII is available electronically.
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